Dan recently took a week long trip to Wyoming to visit his best friend and to fly fish. It was his last "Hoo-rah" before we become a family of 4, so I was more than happy he was able to have this min vacation. While he was gone Nathan and I went to Houston to visit my grandparents.
We had a wonderful time and the 4 days were packed with fun filled activities.
It did however, start on a bad note. The morning we left, Nathan had horrible fall onto the bottom stair, which is all wood and has tile as the flooring. His nose bled profusely for awhile and his eye immediately started to swell. I felt horrible. He was just following me into our bedroom to "help" me get a bag to load into the car. He was running behind me and just slipped on the tile and went face first into the stairs. Poor thing cried and cried and just wanted ot be held.
We met up with my mom and the 3 of us rode together to Houston. On the way Nathan's nose became more swollen and I was afraid it might be broken. All of that to say, when you see the black eye in alot of the following pictures, that was the cause of it.
We arrived Thursday afternoon and had a good time catching up with my grandparents and just letting Nathan play. We went out to dinner that night and Nathan discovered that he really likes bar-b-que sauce! He was eating it by the finger full and needless to say, had in his hair, nose, ears...what a mess!
The next day we went ot the Houston Children's Museum. We had fun, but somebody (who shall remain anonymous) had a melt down after we had been there about an hour. We did not get to stay as long as we would have liked, but we made the best out of it.
Here is Nathan playing in the ball pit at the museum. He also loved the musical instruments. They had a great spot for toddlers under 3 with a room full of toys and activities!
That evening we went to the small airport by their house so Nathan could watch the airplanes take off and land. He loves airplanes!! We got to see a few, but not to many. He was really good though and just kept watching the runway!
The next day we went ot Moody Gardens in Galveston. My cousin recently moved to Houston and was able to join us! Yay for Auntie Rachel!
We played in the white sand and buried Nathan's legs. He wasn't really sure what to think about that. We then buried my legs, and he was not interested at all!
It is hard to see but mom and Rachel are showing off their sand snow man!
Here was Nathan getting his legs buried by Gram-E and Rach.
Here are my legs being buried.
They had a kids splash zone which featured 2 slides. You were allowed to slide down with a child, which really surprised me. Nathan loved it and we probably slid down a dozen times or more!
His favorite part was walking in the water trough at the end of the slide.
While we were at Moody Gardens, I looked down at my feet and noticed my left ankle was 3 times the size of my right! This concerned me because I have had no swelling during pregnancy (i had none with Nathan too) and it was in the leg that is almost purple because of spider and varicose veins. Of course the nurse in me thought I might have a DVT (blood clot) or that my blood pressure was sky rocketing. Luckily Gram has a blood pressure machine at her house so I could check mine. It wa a little higher than what I normally run but not high enough to warrant concern. I was told to stay off of it as much as I could (yea right).
Oh the joys of being pregnant!
ON Sunday we went ot church and then to eat at Carl's. (A wonderful brunch buffet) Nathan ate like a champ and was really well behaved!
After his nap time we went to look at model homes (a tradition).
On Monday, before we headed back home, we all went ot the park (right by the airport) so Nathan could wathc more planes land and of course to walk the dogs. ( i Mean how could we go to the park without the dogs....yes that is laced with sarcasm).
Nathan really likes to play with Papa's cane!
Here is my sweet boy and my wonderful grandparents (G-gram and G-pop to Nathan)
My new favorite picture of him!
We had a very fun and relaxing vacation!
Stay tuned on a blog about how much I am over being pregnant!! 3ish weeks left!!