Nathan got a new toy this past week, well, actually DAN got a new toy this week! Nathan is getting to big for the front pack carrier and we like to hike alot so Dan ordered a Kelty kid backpack carrier. He got a good deal on EBAY for it. Of course, since it is my husband, multiple modifications had to be made to the carrier to make it just right!! For those who do not know my hubby, he is infamous for modifying any big purchase we get to improve it! He really does make it better, it just makes me nervous when the tools come out. Case and point, we had bought a brand new, expensive, smoker/grill from Lowes. When we got home I went inside and came out later to find Dan with his welding torch cutting holes into the brand new , did I mention expensive, smoker! AHHH.....of, course it turned out great and works just the way he wants it to, but it still makes me nervous!!
Anyways, Nathan seems to like his new backpack carrier. It is a little cumbersome to get on in off with him in it and the weight is up high instead of down low, like a normal backpack.
We are planning an overnight hiking trip, for just the 2 of us, in October, so Dan is starting to "train" for it by carrying Nathan around in the backpack. This will be our first overnight tent camping trip, where we have to carry all our gear, so it helps to get used to having all that weight on our backs!
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