Wow.....that went fast! I know that is a cliche to say "the year flew by", but it really did!
This past year I have watched Nathan go from a helpless infant to a boy with personality and spunk.
Nathan has been very busy the past few months. He has learned to cruise and walk with assistance and now that is ALL he wants to do! He still does not crawl, it looks like he is just going to skip it altogether. We are going to have a physical therapist evaluate him to see if they have tips to help encourage him to crawl. I wouldn't worry or care about him not crawling except it is so important for their development to learn to crawl.
He babbles alot but still does not have any words in his vocabulary, but his babbling is so cute!
He has started to become defiant at times and can throw little tantrums. We have started using "NO" and are surprised to see how effective it is. I'm sure that won't last forever!
He is pretty happy most of the time and can really ham it up for the camera.
I did not get any pictures of him with his cake....I know, I know...bad mom. However, I did videotape it! Anyways, he hated the cake. He absolutely did not like the texture of the icing on his hands. He got really mad and started crying, and that ended the birthday cake. Maybe was just concerned about his carb and sugar intake?
Other than the cake episode, he was a good boy and enjoyed his birthday!
Aw, he's so cute! The year DOES fly by! The little four-wheeler is so fun. :-)
Can't believe he is one already! Happy Birthday Nathan!
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