Guess who is already half a year old?!
6 Month stats for Amber
83% for height
44% for weight (15.5 pounds)
She is eating baby food 2 x's a day and loves it!
She babbles and talks all the time.
She rolls over both ways
She loves to play with her toes.
No teeth yet but she chews on everything~
She will take a pacifier but she is not dependent on it.
She now uses the highchair to eat and Nathan sits at the table with us (which he loves)
She loves being outside, just like her brother.
She enjoys being on her tummy.
Her sleeping is good some nights (will sleep at 8:30 and not wake until 4am) and other nigths she is up at 1am and 4am. Oh well, at least she goes right back to sleep after being fed.
Her sleeping is good some nights (will sleep at 8:30 and not wake until 4am) and other nigths she is up at 1am and 4am. Oh well, at least she goes right back to sleep after being fed.
She seems like she has developed alot in this past month. She is a baby now instead of an infant! She still does not have a great schedule as far as napping goes, but it is much harder with the 2nd than with the 1st child. With Nathan, my whole day revolved around his schedule and it is not the same for her, I'm afraid. Luckily they both sleep at the same time in the afternoon, so that helps.
We went down to Houston, where my grandparents live, for Easter weekend. This was our first trip as a family of 4. We were nervous about how the kids would do in the car for 4ish hours, so we planned to go before bedtime, in hopes that they would sleep. I must say, our plan worked beautifully both ways!! We fed them both, bathed them and put them in jammies. We left around 7pm. Amber was asleep by 7:30 and Nathan listened to music and played with his toys until 8:30. Then I gave him his paci and lovie and told him it was night-night time. It took him a little while to fall asleep but he never made a peep once I told him to go to sleep!
We had fun activities planned for each day. Of course baking cookies was involved in the plan! Here is Nathan helping Gram-E mix the dough. Such a serious look on his face!
Then he HAD to taste it to make sure it was safe!
Side note: He is at a stage right now where he loves to help me make dinner or baked goods. If he sees me cooking he will motion for me to get his stool so he can help! He even will pull out the oven mitt when he sees me turn the oven on!It is so precious and i LOVE it!
We went to an egg-hunt at a near-by church. They had music, activities and the egg-hunt.
They had 3 people outside playing guitars and singing kids songs.
Here he is with Gram-E singing and dancing to the music.
I love this picture of him holding his basket. Such a sweet and innocent boy. I know it won't last forever and I am trying to cherish it!
Later that afternoon we took him to a splash pad to play. Yes, only in Texas can you be in your swimsuit in late March! He played on it for a little while but he was more interested in throwing rocks off of a nearby bridge.We also colored some eggs, but that did not keep his attention for very long
On Sunday morning we went to a sunrise Easter service that started at 7am. That meant we had to be ready and have both kids ready by 6:45!
We even made it to the service a few minutes early!
After church we took some pictures and then came home to do a home egg-hunt and open Easter baskets.
Nathan with his basket
Here is Nathan enjoying all the attention from his G-Gram, G-Pop and gram-E!!
Amber got an Easter basket with several new little toys for her to gnaw on!
4 generations
Love the smile! He is not very good at smiling for the camera so you have to catch him off-guard!
Me and my girl
We had such a fun weekend with family and Easter activities!
I am so thankful that we found a good time to drive the kids, it alleviated so much stress to drive down in peace and quiet! Now we can visit my grandparents more often!
A parting shot of a little girl and her daddy!!
1 comment:
I love all the Easter pictures, and I can't believe your girl is 6 months already! You have such a beautiful family!
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