Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I was "bored" (such relative term when you have a child) one day, really I just wanted to get out of the house , so Dan and I took Nathan to the Aquarium.
He loved it! I figured he would because he spends alot of time watching our fish at home, in a 60 gallon tank.
To begin the day we bought an umbrella stroller. I love my BOB stroller but it is the size of a tank, so it is nice to have something smaller for occasions like this.
He started kicking and "talking" like crazy when we went into the aquarium. I wish I had the video camera, it was adorable. Note to self....take it next time!!
I really think we could have parked him in front of this giant tank, left him there for the day and picked him up before bed time! (I guess that would warrant a CPS consult huh?)! He was very content and happy just watching the fish swim up to him and looking at all the different colors on the fish.

He watched this little fish so intently. It would swim up to the glass and Nathan would get so excited! He would kick his legs and bang his little hands on the glass (sorry fish!)
Dan was giving him a lesson on the different types of fish....Seriously, we would walk up to a tank, Dan would take on look and be able to name not just the type of fish but the specific name! I guess it helps he has a biology/zoology major! I hope Nathan realizes and appreciates how smart his daddy is!
Nathan really liked these types of tanks were you could stand up and be surrounded by fish!!
This was the giant sting-ray tank. The sting ray would swim right up to Nathan, he loved it!!
Dan and I had alot of fun too!!

I went ahead and bought an annual pass, as it pays for itself in 2 visits, and Nathan gets in for free. I figured we will get lots of use this winter and on days were we just need out of the house!!
I have an overdue 7 month post coming soon!

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